Nojo / Orange Poke Sauce

Auf Lager
CHF 6.50

Vegan Small Producer Plastic free Fair Made in Europe


Try in Poke, rice bowls & salad
-Probieren Sie Poke, Reisschüsseln und Salat

Aromatic, sweet, fruity
Made using Orange Juice, Naturally brewed Tamari Soy Sauce,
A grade Maple Syrup and a touch of Toasted Sesame Oil and Ginger.

This dressing is a perfect addition to your favourite dishes
giving them a vibrant tang and freshness and sweetness.
It’s easy to use as a pouring or dipping sauce and works well as a salad dressing.

Orange Juice (56%), Rice Vinegar (Sulphur Dioxide),
Tamari Soy Sauce (49% Soy Beans, Water, Salt,
Distilled Alcohol from Sugar Cane,
Koji Seed Aspergillus Oryzae) (12%), Maple Syrup,
Toasted Sesame Oil, Ginger, Xanthan Gum.

Allergen Information
Contains Soy, Sesame and Sulphates.

Recycling Information
Bottle – Recyclable. Lid – Recyclable. Label-Recyclable.



Aromatisch, süß, fruchtig
Hergestellt mit Orangensaft, natürlich gebrauter Tamari-Sojasoße,
Ahornsirup der Güteklasse A und einem Hauch von geröstetem Sesamöl und Ingwer.

Dieses Dressing ist eine perfekte Ergänzung zu Ihren Lieblingsgerichten
und verleiht ihnen eine lebendige Schärfe, Frische und Süße.
Es lässt sich leicht als Sauce zum Übergießen oder Dippen verwenden
und eignet sich auch gut als Salatdressing.

Orangensaft (56%), Reisessig (Schwefeldioxid),
Tamari Sojasoße (49% Sojabohnen, Wasser, Salz,
Destillierter Alkohol aus Zuckerrohr,
Koji-Samen Aspergillus Oryzae) (12%), Ahornsirup,
Geröstetes Sesamöl, Ingwer, Xanthangummi.

Informationen zu Allergenen
Enthält Soja, Sesam und Sulfate.

Flasche - Recycelbar. Deckel - Wiederverwertbar. Etikett - Wiederverwertbar.




Nojo is a B-Corp certified company, creating delicious cooking sauces with a sustainable ethos at its heart.  Each sauce is packed full of flavour and plant-based ingredients, the six-strong selection allows for a taste-bud tingling, cheek-wiping dinner every day of the week. 

NOJO is in an independent & female-owned business. 

Their award-winning sauces magically transform everyday meals into something truly special, in a matter of seconds. 

Each sauce is prepared with the finest natural ingredients, to create incredible tasting sauces ranging from miso to teriyaki, to orange poke. Promising mind-blowing umami flavours, that are 100% plant-based. 

Nojo are on a mission to create incredible tasting products, without impacting the environment - they are GMO-Free, plastic-free and a certified B corporation. 

From ramen to stir fry, salads, to sandwiches, your customers can now easily make vegan recipes that taste sensational, simply by adding a healthy splash of NOJO - a saucy sidekick. With no additives or artificial flavours, these sustainable and nutritious sauces are too good to miss. 

More about Nojo